Perfect Balance Therapies

Health in Perfect Balance

Perfect Balance Therapies provides whole life care utlilising acupuncture, cupping, tui na, and Chinese Herbal Medicine to help people to achieve a balanced life.  We all have health challenges that often change the way we live, work and play. Life in Balance will lead to less stress, less pain and more joy.


Welcome to December and the first day of Summer!

(Well, it is the first day of summer for those of us in warm and sunny Australia.)  Whether you are in the sunny south or the snowy north, December is often a month of crazed schedules, frantic preparations for holiday celebrations and a feeling of too much to do with too little time.  Are you feeling overstretched?

However you approach the month of December, it is difficult to avoid the constant messages of MORE.   The inundation of advertising suggests that we should all eat MORE, spend MORE, and give MORE.  Friends that we haven't spoken with in 12 months suddenly realize that another year has passed, and why can't we get together today? I find my schedule filled with rounds of holiday functions, often overlapping, and all filled with that message of more.  Often these functions are filled with too much food, too much alcohol and the deadly social politics that come with holiday functions.  It doesn't really matter where your personal, religious or poliitical beliefs lie, there will be a call to try and be MORE to everyone.

For many, this message of MORE leads to feeling LESS.  If so, you are not alone. In any given year, 1 in 5 Australians will be diagnosed with a mental illness, and 14% of the population will experience an anxiety episode within that same period.  As our schedules fill and we rush to try and finish everything we feel is necessary, we are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety and depression.  For many, the financial and social burdens of the season are highly stressful.  Memories of loved ones who are no longer present, or seasons spent alone, can unfortunately push many people into feelings of depression and anxiety. 

To add to the burden, eating and exercise often become a huge challenge during December.  Traditions of cookies, large family meals, drinks available at most functions will leave many with more weight to cope with at the end of the year.  These extra kilograms contribute to that feeling of too much to carry.  For some, feeling OVERSTRETCHED, is a literal thing (buffet pants, anyone?).  Feelings of guilt are manifest, both about the quantity of food and the type.

Well, shouldn't we just exercise more to deal with all of the extra kJoules?  Even knowing that we have more to burn off, and that exercise will help deal with the mounting stress,  maintaining an exercise schedule is often the first item to fall off the calendar. 

Oh, and in case those stresses weren't enough to send you screaming, what about all the money to pay for these extra meals, gifts and holiday cheer.  I know that I struggle with wanting to buy every special person in my life the exact gift that I know they will love.  Yes, if those purchases were spread throughout the year, it would be easier.  How many times, however, have you succumbed to the magpie syndrome and dove for that bright and shiny item as you walked through the shops?  I know I have.  All of those items add to a budget that doesn't always stretch as far as I would hope.

If you were feeling in control and ready to deal with all of these demands on your mind and body, let me toss in that amazing space that is social media. Social media, especially Facebook, can be the weapon system that destroys your composure.  Never has guilt and shame been delivered so easily, with so little connection to the person being shamed. If you haven't received at least one message telling you how to make all your own presents, you have surely received one explaining how you should be changing all of your food choices to be Paleo, Vegan, Organic, or Sugar-free.  I believe wholeheartedly in healthy eating, just as I believe that my food choices are my own; I don't think guilt is a good way to convince anyone to make healthy choices in the long-term. Remember, social media is a wonderful way to keep in touch with friends and loved ones near and far.  I love that social media reminds me of how blessed I am and how each moment is another chance to help someone.  It is important to remember that with every demand, there is a need for balance.  

With the current crises occurring on this beautiful ball we call home, there are millions of living beings needing our help.  When all I read is about the pain and suffering of the Syrian refugees, the agonies of women in Africa, the suffering of our Veterans living homeless on the streets, I feel my hope for humanity ebbing away.  Then I remember that there are many wonderful people stretching their hearts and hands to help, as love and compassion will stretch to all.  At a time when we are striving to be MORE to everyone, it is so easy to feel LESS.  Remember that being you is perfect.  Giving of yourself in the ways that you can is a blessing.  Just as we strive to eat well and get enough exercise to care for our physical needs, the needs of our mind and spirit are just as important.  Giving of our time and love is so much easier when we are at peace with ourselves.

  My gift from Perfect Balance Therapies is to help you achieve a bit of equilibrium.  I believe that small steps are the start to any journey.  Each day this month, I will share a tip that to help plan that journey safely. Start the month with a plan to arrive at December 31 more in balance than how you started on December 1.  Plan on starting 2016 feeling less STRETCHED and more in Balance.

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