Achieving Balanced Health
The beauty of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine lies in its view of all life as a whole. The path to balanced health encompasses this view. Each treatment will involve a detailed discussion of what is happening throughout the body, emotionally, physically and without judgment. It is impossible to treat just one facet of the body without affecting the whole, just as it is impossible to drop a pebble in a pond without creating ripples across the surface.
When you arrive for a treatment with Shauna Haipola, MS, CMP, you will be greeted and encouraged to sit and relax for a detailed discussion about how it feels to live in your body at that moment. This discussion may take as long as an hour for new patients to be able to fully paint the picture of what is happening in your body as a whole. A relaxing treatment follows which may incorporate acupuncture, tui na (massage), moxibustion (heat therapy) and possibly the addition of a custom Chinese Herbal remedy. Shauna Haipola practices a gentle form of acupuncture that in not painful and often the patients do not feel the needles. You will feel very relaxed after the treatment, and it is often good to plan on taking a bit longer to return to your daily rush and have a drink of water.
The pathway to health is full of choices and compromises. Realizing that you are in control of your health, your medical choices and how you chose to live in your body will free you to find comfort in your body. The power and responsibility is yours. Relish those choices.